As you enter the west door of Westminster Abbey in London, the tomb to the unknown soldier cannot be ignored. This grave is to identify and keep alive the memory of all those that fell during the great war of 1914-1918
As we consider the anniversary of that war, we do well to remember all those who played their part to provide us with the freedom that we now enjoy. The bodies of four soldiers who were not known, were taken from four different WWI battle grounds, and were placed into a chapel. A military official called Colonel Gell then entered the room and touched one of those soldiers. This was the soldier who would be brought back to England to represent those that had fallen and be buried in the tomb to the unknown warrior in Westminster Abbey.
The inscription on the coffin says "A British warrior who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918, for King and country". On November 11th 1920, six black horses took the coffin through the crowded streets of London to its resting place in the Abbey. Among those standing as the guard of honour on that November day were 100 soldiers who had been awarded the highest honour for any soldier, the Victoria Cross.
One of those soldiers was William Harold Coltman from Rangemore in Burton on Trent. Bill, as he was known to his friends, is the highest decorated non commissioned officer of the British army, having been awarded not only the Victoria cross but also the Military medal and bar and also the Distinguished conduct medal and bar. Bill went to war as a stretcher bearer and refused to fight or fire a shot because of his Christian beliefs.
Around the sides of the tomb to the unknown soldier, four verses from the Bible are written. One of those inscriptions is the title on this leaflet "Unknown and yet well known" The soldier laid in that tomb in the Abbey is unknown to us all. We don't know his name, rank, or regiment ..... but he is known to God!
We may feel relatively unknown in the world today, yet we are known by God, for He loves us and sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die for us on a cross at Calvary.
The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John Ch 3 v 16 (The Bible)
The Bible also tells us why the Lord Jesus Christ came in to the world, born at Bethlehem ... ... Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy Ch I v 15 (The Bible)
We are all sinners ...All have sinned and come short of the glory of God Romans Ch 3 v 23 (The Bible) yet because the Lord Jesus died for us upon a cross, we can go to heaven and have everlasting life, if only we put our faith and trust in Him. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts Ch 16 v 31 (The Bible)
As we mark the anniversary of WWI, we remember all those who served our country, and also the unknown soldier who like us is - Unknown and yet well known to God.